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An open, energetic and stubborn innovator who makes a change, however small, inspiring people.
Workshop for MakeSense
Warsaw, Poland
Equità nelle opportunitÃ
Equità nelle opportunità ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentina - Ashoka Argentina ha mandato una mail ai diversi changemakers...
Takie same możliwości
Takie same możliwości​ ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentyna - Ashoka Argentyna wysłała maila do różnych lokalnych światozmieniaczy,...
Give equity in chances
Give equity in chances ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentina - Ashoka Argentina sent an open offer to different changemakers asking...
Baba Residence
Iniziativa: IDEAS FACTORY Città : Sofia Stato: Bulgaria - Ideas Factory è una di quelle organizzazioni che, trovata per caso, ha risposto...
Baba Residence
Inicjatywa: IDEAS FACTORY Miasto: Sofia Kraj: Bułgaria - Ideas Factory jest jedną z organizacji, które znalezione przez przypadek...
IDEAS FACTORY Sofia | Bulgaria - Ideas Factory is one of those organizations which, found by chance, answered enthusiastically to our...
Fai la tua parte!
Iniziativa: LET'S DO IT ROMANIA Città : Bucarest Stato: Romania - Abbiamo iniziato Let's do it Romania nel 2009 dopo essere venuti a...
Każdy może być działaczem/ką!
Inicjatywa: LET'S DO IT ROMANIA Miasto: Bukareszt Kraj: Rumunia - Zaczęliśmy Let’s do it Romania w 2009, po tym jak usłyszeliśmy o...
Every day counts
Initiative: LITTLE PEOPLE Country: Romania City: Cluj-Napoca - We deliver psychological support to children with cancers in hospitals -...
Ogni giorno è importante
Iniziativa: LITTLE PEOPLE Città : Romania Stato: Cluj - Forniamo supporto psicologico ai bambini malati di tumore negli ospedali - dice...
Liczy się każdy dzień
Iniciatywa: LITTLE PEOPLE Kraj: Rumunia Miasto: Kluż-Napoka - Zapewniamy psychologiczne wsparcie dzieciom chorym na raka. – mówi Oana...
Face to Face
Initiative: LICEULICE City: Belgrade Country: Serbia - We heard already several times about street magazines. We tried to meet with the...
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