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An open, energetic and stubborn innovator who makes a change, however small, inspiring people.
Workshop for MakeSense
Warsaw, Poland
Every day counts
Initiative: LITTLE PEOPLE Country: Romania City: Cluj-Napoca - We deliver psychological support to children with cancers in hospitals -...
Ogni giorno è importante
Iniziativa: LITTLE PEOPLE Città: Romania Stato: Cluj - Forniamo supporto psicologico ai bambini malati di tumore negli ospedali - dice...
Liczy się każdy dzień
Iniciatywa: LITTLE PEOPLE Kraj: Rumunia Miasto: Kluż-Napoka - Zapewniamy psychologiczne wsparcie dzieciom chorym na raka. – mówi Oana...
Leczyć przez zabawę
Leczyć przez zabawę MIRA REHAB Kluż-Napoka | Rumunia - Czy technologia może zmieniać świat? Oczywiście. A Mira Rehab jest jednym z...
Play and get healthy
Play and get healthy MIRA REHAB Cluj-Napoca | Romania - Can technology change the world for better? Of course! And Mira Rehab is one of...
Curarsi giocando
Curarsi giocando MIRA REHAB Cluj-Napoca | Romania - Può la tecnologia migliorare il mondo? Ovviamente! E Mira Rehab ne è uno dei migliori...
Szczoteczki z bambusa
Inicjatywa: MINKA Miasto: Manila Kraj: Filipiny - Impact Hub is one of first places we drop by in any country we visit. Usually, there...
Bamboo Toothbrush
Initiative: MINKA City: Manila Country: Philippines - Impact Hub is one of first places we drop by in any country we visit. Usually,...
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