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O nas


Chcemy pozostawić świat lepszym niż go zastaliśmy. Dlatego pracujemy z ludźmi, którzy chcą zostać aktywistami i wprowadzać pozytywne zmiany społeczne. Wspieramy ich i inspirujemy do podejmowania działań.


Prowadzimy liczne działania edukacyjne. Oparte są one o nasze wieloletnie doświadczenia trenerskie oraz bazę ponad 200 wywiadów, które przeprowadzliśmy ze Światozmieniacz(k)ami z całego świata.


Wszystko zaczęło się we wrześniu 2015, kiedy Anna i Andrea rozpoczęli prowadzić swój blog podróżniczy How to (ex)change the world. Zainspirowało nas to do przekazywania innym zdobytej przez nich wiedzy. 


Anna Ksiazek
Andrea Pucci
Marcin John coaching
Martyna Zimorska

Anna Książek

Psychologist, trainer, coach, activist, traveller. She worked with organizations like Ashoka, Amnesty International or Polish Scouting and Guiding Association. She is active in the fields of Human Rights and Global Education. She coordinated quite a few social projects like Financial Empowerment of Women, Changemaker Schools, Dreamers or Beyond Borders. Right now she is travelling around the world, looking for changemakers and sharing their stories within the How to (ex)change the world project. 

Andrea Pucci

As chemist, he studied and worked in different countries (Portugal, France, Poland, South Korea, Italy). He is particularly interested in ecology and environmental issues, trying to find the way to a more sustainable living. Since one year he is travelling around the world, collecting stories of changemakers and volunteering in projects connected with education, permaculture and organic production. He aims to foster more inclusive economic and social systems. 

Marcin John

Marcin has being working as NGO Leader and Project Manager for more than 10 years. He graduated in Psychology at Warsaw University, Poland. He is a Coach and soft-skills Trainer with experience in group trainings, process facilitating and coaching sessions. He worked for companies, individual clients and organizations. He also worked as lecturer at the Finance and Management University in Warsaw. 

Martyna Zimorska

Psychologist and TEDxer. She works clinically with a wide diversity of people who struggle with social exclusion. An active member of TEDxKraków team, where she is responsible for the creative content of events and workshops. She loves to travel, sometimes also to unconsciousness.

Katarzyna Deka

International Projects Coordinator, youthworker, facilitator, and trainer. Graduate in Psychology at Łódź University, Poland. Since 2013 collaborating with KobieTY – intercultural, intergenerational, international association. Writes and manages international partnership projects, mainly sending and hosting EVS (European Voluntary Service) volunteers. Professional interests: project management, coordination, and facilitation in the fields of youth, personal development, intercultural dialogue, volunteering, mentoring, nonviolent communication, nonformal education.

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