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An open, energetic and stubborn innovator who makes a change, however small, inspiring people.
Workshop for MakeSense
Warsaw, Poland
Filipino Hello Kitty
Initiative: PLUSH AND PLAY City: Bulacan Country: Phillipines - Plush and Play is one of the social enterprises working in Gawad Kalinga,...
Filipińskie Hello Kitty
Inicjatywa: PLUSH AND PLAY Miasto: Bulacan Kraj: Filipiny - Plush and Play to jedno z przedsiębiorstw społecznych działających w Gawad...
Peanut butter
Initiative: FIRST HARVEST City: Bulacan Country: Philippines - Peanut butter is one of our favorite for breakfast. We got so much...
Masło orzechowe
Inicjatywa: FIRST HARVEST Miasto: Bulacan Kraj: Filipiny - Jedno z naszych ulubionych śniadań to świeży chleb z masłem orzechowym....
Carved Shoes
Initiative: RISQUE DESIGNS City: Manila Country: Philippines - Risque Designs is a social enterprise from Manila, Philippines, which...
Rzeźbione buty
Inicjatywa: RISQUE DESIGNS Miasto: Manila Kraj: Filipiny - Risque Designs to przedsiębiorstwo społeczne z Manilii na Filipinach, które...
Buty z pasjÄ…
Inicjatywa: TRIBU Miasto: Manila Kraj: Filipiny - Tribu jest dużą firmą produkującą buty, działającą na rynku komercyjnym. Ale...
Shoes from passion
Initiative: TRIBU City: Manila Country: Philippines - Tribu itself is a big shoe company, working for the commercial market. But they...
Szczoteczki z bambusa
Inicjatywa: MINKA Miasto: Manila Kraj: Filipiny - Impact Hub is one of first places we drop by in any country we visit. Usually, there...
Bamboo Toothbrush
Initiative: MINKA City: Manila Country: Philippines - Impact Hub is one of first places we drop by in any country we visit. Usually,...
Grow your own garden
Grow your own garden EATS, SHOOTS & ROOTS Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia - Eats, Shoots & Roots is a social enterprise which empowers urban...
Coltiva il tuo orticello
Coltiva il tuo orticello EATS, SHOOTS & ROOTS Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia - Eats, Shoots & Roots è un'impresa sociale che supporta gli...
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