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An open, energetic and stubborn innovator who makes a change, however small, inspiring people.
Workshop for MakeSense
Warsaw, Poland
Equità nelle opportunità
Equità nelle opportunità ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentina - Ashoka Argentina ha mandato una mail ai diversi changemakers...
Takie same możliwości
Takie same możliwości ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentyna - Ashoka Argentyna wysłała maila do różnych lokalnych światozmieniaczy,...
Give equity in chances
Give equity in chances ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentina - Ashoka Argentina sent an open offer to different changemakers asking...
Nie pomagamy ludziom, lecz dajemy im siłę
Nie pomagamy ludziom, lecz dajemy im siłę Chefs Especiais Sao Paulo | Brazylia - Chefs Especiais – szkoła gotowania dla osób z zespołem...
Sui pirati e l’inclusione
Sui pirati e l’inclusione Chefs Especiais Sao Paulo | Brazil - Chef Especiais - una scuola di cucina per persone affette da sindrome di...
On pirates and disability
On pirates and disability Chefs Especiais Sao Paulo | Brazil - Chefs Especiais – a cooking school for people with Down syndrome and a...
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