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An open, energetic and stubborn innovator who makes a change, however small, inspiring people.
Workshop for MakeSense
Warsaw, Poland
Changemaker, who is that?
One of the most important tasks we have as human beings is to leave this world better than we found it. It’s important to empower...
Włącz się do gry
Włącz się do gry SERVISENIOR Santiago | Chile - Wiele starszych osób z Chile, i innych krajów na całym świecie, boryka się z problemem...
Mettiti in gioco
Mettiti in gioco SERVISENIOR Santiago | Chile - Un sacco di persone anziane in tutto il Cile e in molti altri paesi del mondo ricevono...
Enter the Game
Enter the Game SERVISENIOR Santiago | Chile - A lot of older people across Chile and many other countries in the world have too low a...
Equità nelle opportunità
Equità nelle opportunità ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentina - Ashoka Argentina ha mandato una mail ai diversi changemakers...
Takie same możliwości
Takie same możliwości ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentyna - Ashoka Argentyna wysłała maila do różnych lokalnych światozmieniaczy,...
Give equity in chances
Give equity in chances ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentina - Ashoka Argentina sent an open offer to different changemakers asking...
A co w garnku?!?
A co w garnku?!? De la Olla Buenos Aires | Argentyna - Spotkaliśmy Andreę Jatar i jej męża w najsłynniejszej kawiarni w Buenos Aires,...
Cosa bolle in pentola?
Cosa bolle in pentola? De la Olla Buenos Aires | Argentina - Abbiamo incontrato Andrea e suo marito al Café Tortoni, la caffetteria più...
What’s cooking?!?
What’s cooking?!? De la Olla Buenos Aires | Argentina - We met with Andrea and her husband at Café Tortoni, the most iconic cafeteria of...
Nie pomagamy ludziom, lecz dajemy im siłę
Nie pomagamy ludziom, lecz dajemy im siłę Chefs Especiais Sao Paulo | Brazylia - Chefs Especiais – szkoła gotowania dla osób z zespołem...
Sui pirati e l’inclusione
Sui pirati e l’inclusione Chefs Especiais Sao Paulo | Brazil - Chef Especiais - una scuola di cucina per persone affette da sindrome di...
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