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An open, energetic and stubborn innovator who makes a change, however small, inspiring people.
Workshop for MakeSense
Warsaw, Poland
Dobre jak sernik
Dobre jak sernik YANGON BAKEHOUSE Yangon | Birma - Znalezienie światozmieniaczy w Birmie, w tym przede wszystkim przedsiębiorców i...
Buono come una cheesecake
Buono come una cheesecake YANGON BAKEHOUSE Yangon | Birmania - In Myanmar non è stato facile trovare changemaker, in particolare...
Good as a cheesecake
Good as a cheesecake YANGON BAKEHOUSE Yangon| Myanmar - It was not easy to find changemakers, in particular social entrepreneurs, in...
Per amore del caffè
Iniziativa: BETTR BARISTA Città : Singapore Stato: Singapore -- Tutto è partito dall’amore … per il caffè. Tania Chew, Content and...
Z miłości do kawy
Inicjatywa: BETTR BARISTA Miasto: Singapur Kraj: Singapur - Wszystko zaczęło się od... miłości do kawy. Tania Chew, Content and...
For the love of coffee
Initiative: BETTR BARISTA City: Singapore Country: Singapore - Everything started from love ... for coffee. Tania Chew, Content and...
Worth to be stubborn!
Initiative: DONKEY BAKERY City: Hanoi Country: Vietnam - How did it started? – says Marc Stenfert Kroese, co-founder of the Donkey Bakery...
Uparty jak osioł!
Inicjatywa: DONKEY BAKERY Miasto: Hanoi Kraj: Wietnam - Jak to się zaczęło? – Marc Stenfert Kroese, współzałożyciel Donkey Bakery –...
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