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An open, energetic and stubborn innovator who makes a change, however small, inspiring people.
Workshop for MakeSense
Warsaw, Poland
Equità nelle opportunità
Equità nelle opportunità ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentina - Ashoka Argentina ha mandato una mail ai diversi changemakers...
Takie same możliwości
Takie same możliwości ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentyna - Ashoka Argentyna wysłała maila do różnych lokalnych światozmieniaczy,...
Give equity in chances
Give equity in chances ASOCIACION AZUL SOLIDARIO Azul | Argentina - Ashoka Argentina sent an open offer to different changemakers asking...
A co w garnku?!?
A co w garnku?!? De la Olla Buenos Aires | Argentyna - Spotkaliśmy Andreę Jatar i jej męża w najsłynniejszej kawiarni w Buenos Aires,...
Cosa bolle in pentola?
Cosa bolle in pentola? De la Olla Buenos Aires | Argentina - Abbiamo incontrato Andrea e suo marito al Café Tortoni, la caffetteria più...
What’s cooking?!?
What’s cooking?!? De la Olla Buenos Aires | Argentina - We met with Andrea and her husband at Café Tortoni, the most iconic cafeteria of...
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